Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Out Bound Training Programme

the way to trincomalee
  On the 9th and 10th, we (first year and second year students of Software Engineering) went to Out bounding training to Trincomalee Navy camp with the guidance of 3 lecturers including our Sarasi madam.

On 9th morning, we started travelling at 3.30 am in two buses. both first and second years were in the bus. Our bus stopped in Kandalai river. There we could see the beautiful river in one side of the road and green paddy field in other side. There we took some fresh air and then started our journey back.

Kandalai river area
We reached Trinco at 10.30 am, There we  were provided with accommodations. Then we were given time to get ready. then we got ready and took our lunch there. After that our training activities were started.

DAY 01 (09-12-2017)

We were separated into four groups.I was in the fourth group "DELTA".

1. Activity: go through the electric square

In this activity we asked to select 8 members in each groups and there was a small square which was tucked with two bamboos and placed it as the square comes in the middle with little bit of high from floor and we were asked to go into the square without touching and if any part of our body touched the square then we were out and once again start  from the first. This is the first activity and we did it with much more interestingly and happily. Then an officer told us the plus and the minus of our group and he especially mentioned that our team wasn't had a unique leader and every body take the leadership and that was the big mistake we did and very quickly we understand our mistake and appointed a leader for the next activity. In this game 6 out of 8 members went through the high tension wire including me.

2. Activity: Pass a marble through a PVC pipe

 The second activity was also very  interesting and needed strategy and coordination. In this activity, we had to pass a marble through a PVC pipe. We had to select 8 to play and one to give instructions. Prasanth was giving us instructions in this activity. We had to join the PVC's ending to prevent it from falling down. We did our best in this activity and finished before five minutes.

3. Activity: Fill the cylindrical pipe with hollows around it and non covered in the bottom

This was the most interesting and enjoyable activity we did during the two days. We were given a  cylindrical pipe with hollows around it and non covered in the bottom. We had to fill the pipe quickly by using our hands and our mouth. So to make the bottom covered, we made Kishanth to lay down and kept the tube above him. Then we ran to the beach and collected water and filled it. We filled the tube in just two minutes. So the navy officer took our photo.

Activity time

4. Activity: Keep the brick without falling down by stomach

We asked to form 10 people from each group in a queue and they gave us bricks and each of every one wants to keep the brick in their stomach and the person who in front wants to keep that brick without falling down by pushing it with his back and also the other condition was every one wants to keep their hands on the back side of the head then the group asked to move to the boundary 
line which was kept by the officers without fall down any bricks if any brick fall down then the team wanted to start from the beginning. But this time we didn't reach the boundary line.

5. Activity: Beach volley ball without using hands

Fifth activity was beach volley ball but a small different. we can't use our hands. So what happened was every group formed their group into three parts with 6 member for each and one of the person wants to stay the other side to catch the ball. the other five wants to stay the other side and four of them wants to hold a cloth like a rubber sheet and the other one wants to keep the volley ball onto the rubber sheet and lead the team and the team wanted to throw the ball using that cloth to the other side and the person who stand on the other side wanted to catch the ball. if it happened correctly then the team will get 1 points. every group got 15 chances to try it and we team Delta got 5 points. This also a nice activity.

6. Activity: Tug of war

when the tug of war time
This activity time for a serious game and now we wanted to take participate in tough of war. So its nothing to say the rules that every one know it and we first tried very very hard and we won the first team for 2-0. then every one were tired a lot and we moved into the final but this time we faced a huge problem that some of our members were injured so we haven't enough good players to take part in the game but we didn't give up and able to take part in the tough of war. That is our success. But in this only boys took part, but girls also wanted to take part. So girls divided into two teams between themselves and played.

Kandalai river area
  All these games were team activities. So we were able to improve many qualities. When we do a  team activity we should have a team leader to guide us. We should listen to the team leader and follow his or her orders. But we all can discuss and express ideas. But final decision should be made by team leader.

   Games like 2 and 4 really need a leader to coordinate the work. The leader had to say where to stop where to move where to slow down. The teams which had a good connection with the leader completed the task.

   Finally we finished all the tough activities of the day and we all returned to our rest rooms and got ready for the dinner party. At first boys were asked to wear formal and girls were asked to wear sarees. But then they said that girls need not to wear sarees, they can wear some casual.

ready to dinner party
   Nearly at 6:00 pm we backed to the same place where we spend the day and this time it decorated with lights. Then the campfire night started, we all it means every group did two programs and we did a small drama and a group song and everyone enjoy in DJ. Then we had our dinner in the beach enjoying the cool wind. Finally we back to our rest rooms after a unforgettable memories in the first day we went to bed.

fire camp time

DAY 02 (10-12-2017)

This is day two. we all got up early in the morning and took our breakfast at about 7:30 am  which was arranged by the navy officers.
breakfast time (waiting for breakfast)
After that we were again divided into 4 groups for the adventurous activity. This day also i was in the fourth group "DELTA". We had a map and a compass and we asked to reached the elephant point by using the map and the compass and its 2.5 km distance. so first the officers taught us how to use the compass and they came for support us.

ready to go elephant point
Then we move towards the final destination with our team. when we walked suddenly we saw a person who severely injured (acting as injured to train us) and then we take steps very slowly to secure him and some of the members didn't take much serious and laugh and we poured him water but unfortunately he was died (acted as died). then the officer who acted was got up and points out the mistakes which we did and then we continued our journey and finally we reached the destination and had a good time their and relaxed for a while.

relaxing time
After the relaxation we walked to the Naval museum and saw a lot their. The components which were damaged in the time of second world war and in the time of war which happened more the 3 decades in Srilanka.

at museum
Finally after watched the museum we went to Sniper training center, then we took our lunch and thanked the navy officers for giving us the golden opportunity and for spending us their valuable time in training and teaching us different things and we took a group photo also with navy officers. then we started travelling back at 3.30 pm to the university and danced for songs in bus then at 10:30 pm we reached our university with some unique memories and experiences.

with Navy officers


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